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Spain is Excellence presents SIE ACADEMY

A Spain is Excellence project that arose in response to a need in the luxury and premium sector.

This morning we had the pleasure of attending the presentation of SIE ACADEMY at the Mapfre Foundation. This project was born from the Spain is Excellence tourism consortium in response to a need of the luxury and premium sector.

The objective of SIE ACADEMY is to help institutions and companies in the tourism sector to train their employees to offer the excellent service demanded by the client in the luxury sector. To this end, they have the highest level professors who respond to the needs of the sector in the world of luxury.

Ana Alonso, General Manager of Spain is ExcellenceIn order to achieve excellence, companies must take care of personalization, pamper the customer and offer a unique experience for each customer,” he explained. That is why it is necessary that the people who work to provide the customer with this excellence have the appropriate training”.

Ana Alonso general manager of Spain Is Excellence

In response to this demand for training, from Spain Is ExcellenceThe consortium of tourism and culture, whose mission is to attract quality visitors and promote the image of Spain internationally as a destination of excellence, has launched SIE ACADEMYThe first school in Spain that brings together the training of workers in charge of offering these services of excellence within the tourism sector.

For Ana Alonso, Covid has resulted in a worrying talent drain. In order to attract young talent to this sector and train them in excellence, SIE ACADEMY will offer specific training in the world of luxury, i.e., it will encourage students to learn about the sectors within this sector, in segments such as catering and wellness. and encourage creativity, promoting knowledge of different cultures such as Mexican, Chinese, Arab, American, Brazilian and Japanese.

The presentation of the academy was also attended by Susana Cabello, professor of business strategy in the Master’s Degree in Fashion and Luxury Marketing and Communication Management at ESIC and one of the school’s professors.

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